Matching webhook with session data

Matching webhook data with other session data

There are a few ways on how Tracklution’s webhook automatically matches webhook data to a correct session/set of web events.

If matching data is not available, Tracklution will still be able to register and store the data and match it later if matching sessions appear. If you are sending in an event via webhook, it can be processed as an individual event and passed on to Ad Platforms with the Click ID or as an enhanced conversion in case click ID is not available from the original session.

Data from ContactInfo pixel (preferred)

Unique external ID (‘externalId’): External ID is a unique value generated and passed from web to Tracklution. External ID should be a value that you have available in both, web and in the backend system you’re sending webhook data from. With External ID Tracklution is able to accurately match webhook data with the session data from web.

External ID is passed from the web with the ContactInfo pixel. It can be grouped to another event (as in the example) or sent as an individual ContactInfo event.


Email address (‘email’): Email address can be collected via web and passed on to Tracklution with the ContactInfo pixel at any given point of the user journey. By passing the same email address via webhook’s ‘email’ field, Tracklution will be able to match webhook data with data collected via pixels.


Phone number (‘phoneNumber’): Phone number can be collected via web and passed on to Tracklution with the ContactInfo pixel at any given point of the user journey. By passing the same phone number via webhook’s ‘phone’ field, Tracklution will be able to match webhook data with data collected via pixels.


Other session data

Timestamp: While the above mentioned identifiers are the most accurate and preferred ways to match webhook data, if no other data is available, Tracklution will try to match data based on timestamps. However, this requires that the webhook is arriving at the same time as the session is recorded via pixels. For example, if only relying on timestamp, webhook has to arrive at the same time with the purchase event, and especially with plenty of volume there is a possibility for mismatch. Matching with timestamp only might cause low match confidence levels and is thus not recommended.