Manual Script Installation

Tracking Container Setup

After you have created your account and Tracking Container(s), you can setup your Tracking Container(s).

Every Tracking Container needs to be set up to track your website's events that are sent to Tracklution. You can set up your Tracking Container by following the steps below. Our onboarding guide will also guide you through the steps for a succesful setup.

The setup itself is a 3-step process.

Step 1. Install Tracking Pixels (required)

To send tracking events to Tracklution, you need to install the Tracking Pixels on your website. It’s super simple: The installation happens just like installing any other tracking pixels.

This is a necessary step for Tracklution to be able to capture events in your website and thus pass them on to your selected data destinations, such as Meta, Google Ads or Google Analytics.

You can either implement the scripts directly to the code of your website or utilise a tag management system such as GTM.

1. Implement the main script

To ensure optimal functionality, the main script must load on every page of your website prior to any event-specific scripts. For best practices, we advise embedding it within the <head> section across all pages.

Installing through GTM? If you implement this script via a tag management system such as GTM, you can add it as a Custom HTML tag, just bear in mind that this script should be loaded in every page before any other Tracklution scripts.


Your Tracking Pixel code is formatted with the correct Tracking Container ID's. The ID's in this image are just test ID's used for demonstration purposes! Make sure to always copy the correct script from your Tracking Container's onboarding guide.


2. Implement the event scripts

These are the actual events you want to track on your website. These need to be set per event type.

Installing through GTM? Simply add the scripts as Custom HTML tags. Remember to adjust the tag settings to guarantee the main script loads before any event scripts.

Implement PageView

With PageView implemented, Tracklution is able to capture incoming traffic with their URL tracking parameters, so that conversions can be reported back to ad platforms with their unique tracking ID such as click ID.

Add this script to be loaded on your site with every page view (e.g. inside the <body> section of the site code for every page view).


Implement Purchase event

This enables you to track Purchases in your site. Make sure to replace the example content in the script ('value' and 'currency' parameters) with the actual variables to catch the purchase information correctly, e.g. by utilising variables in GTM data layer.


You need to set the appropriate "value" and "currency" values to your event on your website! The values here are just placeholders for demonstration purposes.


Implementing any other standard or custom events

You can use any events you wish, whether they are standard or customer events. Just change the event name in the script to match the event name you prefer using and install the script in the desired location or action on the site.

See the "Tracking Events" section (opens in a new tab) for more information.

Custom Event

3. Implement ContactInfo for catching contact information

Embed this script within the <body> tag on pages where customer information is accessible. It's essential to substitute placeholder values with actual data, like email addresses or phone numbers, to accurately fill the ContactInfo tag with genuine contact details.


You need to set the appropriate values to your ContactInfo event! The values here are just placeholders for demonstration purposes.


Why this is important?

Implementing these enhancements isn't strictly necessary but highly recommended to maximize your server-side tracking benefits. Here's why:

  • Enable Advanced Features: Unlock capabilities like Enhanced Conversions (Google Ads) and Advanced Matching (Meta). This includes cross-channel remarketing without relying on third-party cookies, capturing otherwise lost conversions (e.g., from missing click IDs), identifying returning users, and enhancing marketing campaign data for better performance.
  • Integrate External Data: Easily incorporate data from other systems, such as tracking offline conversions, through efficient matching via Webhook delivery to Tracklution.
  • Your Data Remains Yours: As a technology provider, we emphasize that your data is exclusively yours. Our access is strictly confined to what's necessary for delivering server-side tracking, without any claim to your data.

How to implement this?

  • When to Trigger: The script can be executed at any session point where relevant information is available, such as on an order or thank you page.
  • Data Preparation: It's vital to replace placeholder values with actual data variables (e.g., email or phone number variables from the GTM data layer) to populate the ContactInfo tag accurately.
  • Data Privacy: Information can be submitted in plain text; Tracklution will hash it before forwarding to ad platforms. You may also hash data on your end before submission.
  • Data Selection: Depending on data availability, you may choose to send all or only a subset of the fields provided in the example, with email and phone number being the minimum for optimal matching.
  • Alternative Delivery Methods: If contact information isn't available during the session or you prefer a server-side approach, implement the ContactInfo tag with a unique external ID ‘externalId’ (e.g., Order ID). Then, send additional contact info via webhook using the same 'externalId' for seamless session data matching.

After Setting Up Tracklution Main Script and Event Tags

Press the "Start Listening for Events" button. Tracklution fill find your events if you have correctly set them up and are sending them to Tracklution.


If you don't want to test the events now, you can skip the "Start Listening for Events" phase and just skip to the next step by pressing the "Complete later" button.

Step 2. Set DNS for First Party Data Collection (recommended)

In your website's hosting providers DNS settings, you need to set a CNAME record for the domain you want to track. The CNAME record should point to the domain of our API as described in the onboarding guide.

Implement this CNAME in your website DNS settings. This will enable scripts to be loaded under your domain as First Party Cookies. This is not a required step, but definitely recommended to make the most out of your tracking setup.

After you have configured the new CNAME record with the appropriate values to your DNS settings, press the "Verify DNS installation" button to verify that the DNS settings are correct.

This will enable Tracklution to receive First Party data from your website.


Please note: DNS updates may take some time to complete. You can continue with the setup even if the DNS has not fully populated yet.


Step 3. Webhook (optional)

Webhook provides a seamless and efficient way to bring additional tracking data to Tracklution, such as offline conversions and enhancing conversion data. Whether it's obtaining insights from sources that may not be directly linked to the website or safeguarding sensitive information, you can import it from various external systems, including CRM, booking systems, billing systems, ERP, and calling systems.

Registering events with Webhook

Record events that happen outside of your website (“offline conversions”). These conversion events could be for example phone calls, purchases made in brick-and-mortar shops, bookings made in a booking system, validated leads in a CRM system, and so forth. This is also the way to go if you wish to send in Purchase events with profit margin data instead of pure revenue data.

Events sent via webhook can be matched to web sessions if matching data is available. Read more about Tracklution's Webhook in the Webhook section of this documentation (opens in a new tab)


Remember to set up Webhooks according to our onboarding guide inside your Tracking Container. The examples below include test data only for demonstration purposes.

Webhook Example 1

Enrich existing data with Webhook

Enhance existing web conversion data from sources that may not be directly linked to the website or safeguard sensitive information that you don't want to be available to anyone via the browser.

Enriching could mean additional contact information or for example setting value for Purchase event in case the value is not available on the web (e.g. recording profit data instead of revenue data).

Webhook Example 2

To enrich existing data successfully, Tracklution has to be able to match webhook data with existing session data. Read more about Tracklution's Webhook in the Webhook section of this documentation (opens in a new tab)

With the Webhook you can also send test events and after press "Start Listening Webhook" button to verify that your Webhook is working correctly.