Install with WooCommerce Plugin

Tracklution - WooCommerce Plugin Installation Guide

Watch a video walkthrough:

Step 1: Create Tracklution Account

First, get started at (opens in a new tab) by creating an account and providing your store URL. Tracklution will check if your site operates with WooCommerce, and if it does, it will suggest you install the WooCommerce Plugin.

WooCommerce Plugin Suggestion

Step 2: Install the Tracklution Plugin

  1. Download the official Tracklution WooCommerce plugin via the Tracklution <> Woo onboarding guide.
  2. Upload the Plugin to WordPress:
    • Log in to your WordPress account.
    • Go to Plugins → Add New Plugin → Upload Plugin.
    • After this, find Tracklution in the Plugin list and click Activate.

Tracklution will automatically configure the following eCommerce events: PageView, ViewContent, AddToCart, InitiateCheckout, AddPaymentInfo, and Purchase. Tracklution will also automatically set up underlying eCommerce variables (such as product IDs and variations) and Enhanced Conversions.

Step 3: Edit Plugin Settings

  1. In WordPress, go to Settings → Tracklution.
  2. Follow the instructions in the Tracklution <> Woo onboarding guide to set up your Tracklution ID and Tracklution Domain in the plugin settings.

Step 4 (Optional): Configure DNS

Open the DNS settings of your domain from your domain provider’s control panel. Add the following CNAME record to your DNS settings:

TypeHostPoints To


Voilá! You’re done with the installation!

You will now start seeing session data populating in real time in your Tracking Container within the “Processed Data” table. This allows you to easily verify that your setup is successful and that all desired events are being correctly recorded.

Processed Data Table

By clicking the small arrow on the left of each row, you can dive deeper into the session and its events. From the View button, you can even see the actual data received and forwarded to the ad platforms.

View Session Events

Step 5: Connect Ad Platforms

Once the data is verified to be correct, the only remaining task is to connect the ad platforms!

Under the Connectors section, you will find all available ad platforms and their status in your Tracking Container.

Clicking on each connector will provide instructions on how to connect to that specific ad platform. It's very simple—just remember to toggle the platform live when you are ready and, of course, press Save!

Meta Connector Settings